Collaborative Work

Papers published by the network. Click on the paper of interest to download.

Quality assessment of analysis. (Plenary lecture and Paper, FESTEM, 2010) 
2011 J Trace Elem Med Biol 25 (abstract).pdf

Stability of serum copper, selenium and zinc. (Poster, FESTEM, 2010) 
2010 Stability_FESTEM (poster).pdf

Comparison of different proficiency testing schemes for Al, Cu, Se, Zn. (Oral communication, FESTEM, 2010) 
2010 TEQAS_Comparison FESTEM(slides).ppt

Criteria to Define the Standard Deviation for Proficiency Assessment for the Determination of Essential Trace Elements in Serum (Paper, 2009) 
2009, Accred Qual Assur, 14 (abstract).pdf

Are desirable quality specific. for evaluating lab. perform. in external qual. assessm. schemes for Cu, Zn and Se in human serum or plasma attainable? 
2009 TEQAS Metal ions 10 (slides).ppt

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