This scheme currently includes As, Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, Mg, Mn, Pb, Se, Tl and Zn.
In an annual cycle there are 24 samples. Each month 2 samples have to be assayed and the results submitted via the website.
Ten days after the deadline for submission of results, reports may be requested from the website.
When the annual cycle is complete an annual report, reviewing performance for all 24 samples, is generated and made available on the website within 30 days after the end of the cycle.
Test samples are prepared by addition of known amounts of inorganic elements to an endogenous base material from human whole blood. Donors have given their consent according to the legal regulations. Then, the spiked and unspiked materials are mixed in different proportions in order to obtain 12 different levels.
OELM-SC-WB_EN.v4 [06-2021]